Maritime Freight Transport Market: Industry Analysis and Forecast (2024-2030)

  • The Maritime Freight Transport Market size was valued at USD 365.85 Bn. in 2023 and the total Global Maritime Freight Transport Market revenue is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.33% from 2024 to 2030, reaching nearly USD 492.24 Bn. by 2030.

  • Format : PDF | Report ID : SMR_1992

Maritime Freight Transport Market Overview

Maritime transport, essential for international logistics, involves the transfer of large cargoes via sea. Containerization has thus introduced new ways of storage which is beneficial for the transport of large shipments, reducing the cost of storage, and monitoring goods. This innovation has contributed to the increased use of marine transport in the last few decades. This is one of the most important means of transportation as it accounts for more than 80% of the tonnage of Maritime transport trade. This percentage is even higher for most developing countries, driving the demand for maritime transport during the forecast period.


In 2022, international sea freight, valued at around 12 million metric tons, constituted almost 49 percent of the total trade while air freight comprised of roughly 50 percent of the total trade but less than 25 million metric tons. Merchant ships, in particular, oil tankers, coal carriers, and other liquid bulk carriers dominate the number of port visits while justly bulk carriers and container ships follow. Asia Pacific dominates the Maritime transport market, while Europe and North America have two and one, respectively. By the volume of goods loaded, Europe comes second with 4.6 billion tonnes while for the volume of goods discharged, it also comes next second with 7 billion tonnes. 1.6 and 1. 7 billion tonnes, respectively. All in all, the operation of Europe registered a reduction leading to a decline in their average Liner Shipping Connectivity Index in 2022, though it represented a progressive increase up to the second quarter of 2023. The highest-connected economies in Europe were Spain, Netherlands, and Belgium; the significant EU countries of ports were Rotterdam, Antwerp, and Hamburg.


Several factors have affected the maritime transport sector during recent years and are still likely to affect it in the future. These challenges include but are not limited to the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic, geopolitical conflicts such as wars, and revolutions in technology, especially the digitalization of supply chain systems, and financial factors such as insurance. It seeks to outline the trends that are taking place in the specific Maritime transport market in association with the maritime transport industry, government rules, and regulations that dominate the Maritime transport market. EPA brings out the harmonization between environmental objectives and sustainable economic development, arguing that the price of nonaction far outweighs any expenditures required.


The industry is encouraged to transition to cleaner fuels and more accelerated adoption of advanced digital solutions such as AI and blockchain to improve business performance and decrease environmental impacts. Nevertheless, the latter research provides continuing optimism about the subject by noting that the positive growth of maritime trade remains unaffected by global disruptions like the war in Ukraine; the growth is expected to be 2. Then more than 4% in 2023 and more than 2% annually from 2024 to 2028.

Maritime Freight Transport Market


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Maritime Freight Transport Market Dynamics

The future trends in the Maritime Freight Transport Industry

Future trends in the maritime freight transport market shifting towards the reduction of environmental impact in marine operations. The shift towards cleaner energy sources and the integration of energy-efficient concepts is gradually decreasing the ecological impact. AI, big data and analytics, IoT, robotics, and blockchain are some of the emerging technologies being deployed across segments to improve operations. Furthermore, in the maritime freight transport market emerging new technologies such as augmented and virtual reality are enhancing training, engineering, and inspection creating maritime freight transport market players' opportunities.

Maritime Freight Transport Market1

AI is the most significant maritime freight transport market trend because it is used across various aspects of the industry including route and fuel optimization, autonomous navigation, and prediction of equipment failure. The maritime freight transport market drive to embrace clean energy and energy-saving interconnections is another push towards decarbonization in the sector. Maritime robotics help to solve the problem of staff deficit, IoT, blockchain, big data, and analytics facilitate the decision-making process. Other developments in training and maintenance include immersive reality technologies while 5G and cybersecurity strengthen the offshore communication network.


AI is crucial in the maritime freight transport market for predictive maintenance, autonomous navigation, and routing. AI leverages data from sensors, public information systems, and tracking of assets to make decisions. Startups use such details to enhance revenue predictability, enhance fuel consumption, and decrease maintenance and operating costs. AI is also used in underwater robots and vehicles which assist in search and rescue missions and underwater maintenance. AI digital twin assists in the continuous monitoring of ports, ships, and fleets that improve vessel and port management. In addition, the use of AI enhances safety because it involves the assessment of past accidents to come up with effective safety measures.


  • For instance, Orca AI is an Israeli startup that supplies private services with an artificial intelligence ship collision avoidance system. It combines thermal imaging of 30 hz with deep learning to develop a complete awareness solution that not only detects but forecasts potential dangers beyond mere collision and prevents them from occurring, effectively being a lifesaver. The visible light cameras and the thermal camera enable the system to have vision even in the dark while the continuous or constant data monitoring and acquisition make event analysis and risk evaluation improved. Orca AI also offers a visibility layer for managing fleets and quickly addressing safety concerns and compliance.
  • The US-based startup, Bearing, provides marine businesses with a smart routing engine for operations. The feature of Bearing’s system is based on integrating multiple types of data and deep learning to create accurate models for ship performance, depending on the weather forecast or fluctuations in market rates. These models allow the routing engine to revise recommendations during the voyage, thus; offering an opportunity to the fleet managers and vessel owners to avoid high fuel consumption rates and enhance the overall effectiveness of the fleets.


Geopolitical Tensions and Environmental Regulations Pose Challenges for the Maritime Freight Transport Industry

The maritime freight transport industry faces multifaceted challenges amidst rising geopolitical tensions and increasing environmental regulations. Geopolitical conflicts in various regions disrupt ocean trade routes and port operations, leading to supply chain modifications and commodity price hikes. The war in Ukraine, coupled with pandemic aftermaths, has trapped vessels in the Black Sea, exacerbating crew shortages and logistical complexities.


Moreover, stringent environmental regulations imposed by international bodies like the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and individual countries add to operational burdens. National directives often surpass IMO standards, imposing additional costs on shipowners and operators striving to reduce carbon intensity by 70% by 2050. However, consumer demand for even stricter environmental goals, exemplified by initiatives like Cargo Owners for Zero Emission Vessels (coZEV) aiming for net-zero emissions by 2040, intensifies pressure on the industry.


In this context, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria emerge as pivotal factors for investor decisions. Investors increasingly evaluate companies based on their ESG practices, with transparency and sustainability becoming paramount. Embracing ESG strategies not only demonstrates a commitment to ethical conduct but also positions companies favorably in attracting investment. The adoption of ESG practices in the maritime freight transport sector is closely intertwined with decarbonization goals, offering a pathway to competitiveness and shareholder appeal amidst evolving market dynamics.


Maritime Freight Transport Market Regional Analysis

Asia pacific dominate the maritime fright transportation market during the forecast period and hold the largest market share in 2023.


Europe's Maritime Might: Navigating Toward Sustainable Seas and Global Connectivity

Europe holds a second-largest position in the global maritime freight transport market, serving as a vital conduit for trade and connectivity among European nations and with the rest of the world. Facilitating the secure supply of energy, food, and commodities, maritime transport underpins European imports and exports, with nearly 90% of the EU's external freight trade being seaborne. Short sea shipping accounts for a substantial portion of intra-EU exchanges in terms of ton-kilometers, fostering economic integration and cohesion across the continent.


The significance of maritime transport extends beyond economic realms, as it plays a crucial role in ensuring a high quality of life in Europe's islands and peripheral maritime regions. European ports annually welcome over 400 million passengers, underscoring the indispensable role of maritime transport in facilitating mobility and connectivity within the continent.


Moreover, the maritime freight transport market serves as a cornerstone of the Blue Economy, contributing significantly to employment and income generation within the European economy. However, amidst the industry's importance, challenges loom large, particularly concerning environmental sustainability and decarbonization efforts.


As global economic growth drives increased transport demand, greenhouse gas emissions from maritime activities are projected to escalate, posing a significant hurdle to EU decarbonization objectives. The European Commission has responded proactively by delineating stringent environmental regulations and strategies aimed at achieving climate neutrality. Initiatives such as the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and the FuelEU Maritime proposal are pivotal in steering the maritime freight transport market towards cleaner and more sustainable practices.


Despite these challenges, Europe's commitment to embracing cleaner transport alternatives and advancing towards climate neutrality positions it as a key player in shaping the future of the maritime freight transport market. Through strategic regulations, investments, and innovation, Europe is poised to maintain its prominent role while leading the transition towards a more sustainable maritime fright transportation market on a global scale.

The largest container ports in Europe in 2023

Port Name


TEUs in Million

























Gioia Tauro








           Maritime Freight Transport Market Scope

Market Size in 2023

USD 365.85 Bn.

Market Size in 2030

USD 492.24 Bn.

CAGR (2024-2030)


Historic Data


Base Year


Forecast Period



By Maritime transport Type

Bulk Carriers

Container Ships

General Cargo Ships

Reefer Vessels

Heavy Lift Cargo Vessels

Roll on – Roll off (Ro-Ro) Vessels

By Applications




By Industry Type

Food & Beverages


Oil & Ores

Electrical & Electronics


Regional Scope

North America- United States, Canada, and Mexico

Europe – UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific – China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, ASEAN, Rest of APAC

Middle East and Africa - South Africa, GCC, Egypt, Nigeria, Rest of the Middle East and Africa

South America – Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America


Key Players in the Maritime Freight Transport Market

  1. AP Moller (Maersk) Denmark
  2. China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) China
  3. Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. (MSC) Switzerland
  4. CMA-CGM France
  5. Hapag-Lloyd Germany
  6. Ocean Network Express Japan
  7. Evergreen Line Taiwan
  8. HMM Co. Ltd. South Korea
  9. Yang Ming Marine Transport, Taiwan
  10. Zim Israel
  11. ONE - Ocean Network Express
  12. Wan Hai Lines Taiwan
  13. PIL Pacific International Line* Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions

The segments covered in the Maritime Freight Transport Market report are based on the Maritime transport Type, Application, Industry Type and Regions.

1.    Maritime Freight Transport Market Introduction
1.1. Study Assumption and Market Definition
1.2. Scope of the Study
1.3. Executive Summary
2.    Global Maritime Freight Transport Market: Competitive Landscape
2.1. MMR Competition Matrix
2.2. Competitive Landscape
2.3. Key Players Benchmarking
2.3.1. Company Name
2.3.2. Industry Type
2.3.3.  Revenue (2023)
2.3.4. Company Locations

2.4. Market Structure
2.4.1. Market Leaders 
2.4.2. Market Followers
2.4.3. Emerging Players

2.5. Mergers and Acquisitions Details
3.    Maritime Freight Transport Market: Dynamics
3.1. Maritime Freight Transport Market Trends 
3.2. Maritime Freight Transport Market Dynamics 
3.2.1. Maritime Freight Transport Market Drivers
3.2.2. Maritime Freight Transport Market Restraints 
3.2.3. Maritime Freight Transport Market Opportunities
3.2.4. Maritime Freight Transport Market Challenges

3.3. PORTER’s Five Forces Analysis
3.4. PESTLE Analysis
3.5. Regulatory Landscape by Region
3.5.1. North America
3.5.2. Europe
3.5.3. Asia Pacific
3.5.4. Middle East and Africa
3.5.5. South America

3.6. Analysis of Government Schemes and Initiatives for Maritime Freight Transport Industry
3.7. Technological Road Map
3.8. Key Opinion Leader Analysis for Facial Massage Cream Industry
4.    Maritime Freight Transport Market: Global Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation by Demand and Supply Side (by Value in USD Million) (2023-2030)
4.1. Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Maritime transport Type  (2023-2030)
4.1.1. Bulk Carriers
4.1.2. Container Ships
4.1.3. General Cargo Ships
4.1.4. Reefer Vessels
4.1.5. Heavy Lift Cargo Vessels
4.1.6. Roll on – Roll off (Ro-Ro) Vessels
4.2. Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Applications (2023-2030)
4.2.1. Short-distance
4.2.2. Long-distance  
4.3. Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Type (2023-2030)
4.3.1. Food & Beverages
4.3.2. Manufacturing
4.3.3. Oil & Ores
4.3.4. Electrical & Electronics
4.3.5. Others   

4.4. Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by region (2023-2030)
4.4.1. North America
4.4.2. Europe
4.4.3. Asia Pacific
4.4.4. Middle East and Africa
4.4.5. South America

5.    North America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation by Demand and Supply Side (by Value in USD Million) (2023-2030)
5.1. North America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Maritime transport Type  (2023-2030)
5.1.1. Bulk Carriers
5.1.2. Container Ships
5.1.3. General Cargo Ships
5.1.4. Reefer Vessels
5.1.5. Heavy Lift Cargo Vessels
5.1.6. Roll on – Roll off (Ro-Ro) Vessels 

5.2. North America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Applications (2023-2030)
5.2.1. Short-distance
5.2.2. Long-distance  

5.3. North America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Type (2023-2030)
5.3.1. Food & Beverages
5.3.2. Manufacturing
5.3.3. Oil & Ores
5.3.4. Electrical & Electronics
5.3.5. Others  
5.4. Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030)
5.4.1. United States
5.4.2. Canada 
5.4.3. Mexico 

6.    Europe Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation by Demand and Supply Side (by Value in USD Million) (2023-2030)
6.1. Europe Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Maritime Transport Type  (2023-2030)
6.2. Europe Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Applications (2023-2030)
6.3. Europe Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Type (2023-2030)
6.4. Europe Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030)
6.4.1. United Kingdom
6.4.2. France
6.4.3. Germany
6.4.4. Italy
6.4.5. Spain
6.4.6. Sweden
6.4.7. Austria
6.4.8. Rest of Europe

7.    Asia Pacific Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation by Demand and Supply Side (by Value in USD Million) (2023-2030)
7.1. Asia Pacific Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Maritime transport Type  (2023-2030)
7.2. Asia Pacific Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Applications (2023-2030)
7.3. Asia Pacific Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Type (2023-2030)
7.4. Asia Pacific Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030)
7.4.1. China
7.4.2. S. Korea
7.4.3. Japan
7.4.4. India
7.4.5. Australia
7.4.6. Indonesia
7.4.7. Malaysia
7.4.8. Vietnam
7.4.9. Taiwan
7.4.10. Rest of Asia Pacific

8.    Middle East and Africa Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation by Demand and Supply Side (by Value in USD Million) (2023-2030
8.1. Middle East and Africa Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Maritime transport Type  (2023-2030)
8.2. Middle East and Africa Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Applications (2023-2030)
8.3. Middle East and Africa Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Type (2023-2030)
8.4. Middle East and Africa Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030)
8.4.1. South Africa
8.4.2. GCC
8.4.3. Nigeria
8.4.4. Rest of ME&A

9.    South America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation by Demand and Supply Side (by Value in USD Million) (2023-2030
9.1. South America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Maritime transport Type  (2023-2030)
9.2. South America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Applications (2023-2030)
9.3. South America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Type (2023-2030)
9.4. South America Maritime Freight Transport Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030)
9.4.1. Brazil
9.4.2. Argentina
9.4.3. Rest Of South America

10.    Company Profile: Key Players
10.1. AP Moller (Maersk) 
10.1.1. Overview
10.1.2. Business Portfolio
10.1.3. Financial Overview
10.1.4. SWOT Analysis
10.1.5. Strategic Analysis
10.1.6. Recent Developments

10.2. China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO)
10.3. Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. (MSC)
10.4. CMA-CGM
10.5. Hapag-Lloyd
10.6. Ocean Network Express
10.7. Evergreen Line
10.8. HMM Co. Ltd.
10.9. Yang Ming Marine Transport,
10.10. Zim
10.11. ONE - Ocean Network Express
10.12. Wan Hai Lines
11.    PIL Pacific International Line* 
12.    Key Findings 
13.    Industry Recommendations
14.    Research Methodology

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